Thursday, June 25, 2009

RIP Michael Jackson :'(

OK. yeah I'm only 13 but i am in love with Michael Jackson.. I have been since my mom and dad listened to it on the radio on car drives ..... that was when i was about 5.. my step mom still listens t him in the car.. you cant help but fall in love with him.

When I heard he had a heart attack i just about died.. but then i thought. hundreds of people get heart attacks everyday and they don't die?

about 10 minutes later i heard he went into cardiac arrest.. oh Jesus right then i knew he was a gonner. some might say he was crazy... i say he was artistically free.

I am going to miss him even though i don't actually know him.



  1. i will miss him too! you are quite the comedian aren't you!! thanks for coming by my blog...i'll be back!!

  2. no problemm... andd well i do the best i cannn with the comedy :)
