Saturday, June 27, 2009


Last wednesday was my grade seven grad. im going from elementay to high school. it's a big deal to me but really... do we need a graduation? All the girl dressd in ther high heels and skanky dresses. hmmm.. NERD ALERT!

I wanted nothing to do with this entire graduation. But everyone was involvedd.. I dont really get why moving from grade 7 to grade 8 is a big deal. all your gonig is switching schools.

It's like my sister's preschool graduation. It's just freaking preschool!

All these weirdo mom's tht are on the commitee to set all this up... they're daughters are like mini versions of them. theyre all bitches. I try to stay away form ten best i can but it's pretty hard considering they do everything around the schooll..

I dont get it!


Thursday, June 25, 2009

RIP Michael Jackson :'(

OK. yeah I'm only 13 but i am in love with Michael Jackson.. I have been since my mom and dad listened to it on the radio on car drives ..... that was when i was about 5.. my step mom still listens t him in the car.. you cant help but fall in love with him.

When I heard he had a heart attack i just about died.. but then i thought. hundreds of people get heart attacks everyday and they don't die?

about 10 minutes later i heard he went into cardiac arrest.. oh Jesus right then i knew he was a gonner. some might say he was crazy... i say he was artistically free.

I am going to miss him even though i don't actually know him.


Tuesday, June 16, 2009

i love it!

I found this and I just had to put it on.. No particular reason. I just think her absolute un awareness and truthfully not giving a flying fuck what other people think is just admirable.. I could go without the backwards swimsuit thoughh :)